Oil, Gas, and Mining Industries is anextraction business sector which has systematic and holistic character in terms of regulations, investment system, cooperation patterns and those involved human resources that needs strongly need high capital investment, high tech and high level competent of human resources.
In regard to continuously improve the quality of human capital in this distinctive extraction industry, INDOCITA has been offering training and consultancy services in trying to contribute the quaiity improvement if those highly skilled people who want to polish up and to up grade their skills and competencies.
INDOCITA was established in 2004 and provide its service through building synergistic partnership with many extraction industries, especially upstream oil, gas; also mining and other related energy sectors. Since that it has provided services to over 250 clients of company; and more than 6000 participants joint in which they actively engaged in various training programs such as public training, in house training, outbound training and consultancy services.
The public training covers numbers of subjects including but are not limited to business process, technical engineering, maintenance, control & instrumentation, logistic management, safety and soft skills. The trainings are conducted either in 6 big cities (Batam, Jakarta,Bandung, Yogyakarta, Semarang, Surabaya, Malang, Bali, Lombok, etc and Singapore) or in those own remote area of clients sites.